New Governance Structure for the Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS)

New Governance Structure for the Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS)

The Australasian Association of Information Systems (AAIS), the publisher of the Diamond Open Access Information Systems journal- the Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), is proud to announce a new governance structure for the journal.

The Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) is now the sole body responsible for assisting the Editorial Team with the strategic and operational development of AJIS. This body replaces several previous bodies and simplifies the new version of the AJIS Charter, now at v4.0. The EAB is intended to support the work of the EiCs and the Editorial Team in particular. The EAB will meet at least twice a year, however it may meet more frequently as needed.

The current committee comprises a selection of relevant strategic and operational positions from the AAIS, as well as representatives from other Australasian IS Ecosystem entities (ACPHIS, PHISNZ and ACS). The position of Immediate Past EiC is added to the EAB to ensure continuity in the AJIS service offering. The AAIS would like to thank those representatives who have shown their willingness to serve on this committee. The current composition of the EAB (as at 6/2024) is provided below:

Chair (Co-EiCs): Prof. Michael Davern/Dr. Stewart Black
Secretary (AAIS Secretary): Dr. Sander Zwanenburg
AAIS Representative (AAIS Pres): Prof. Rodney J.Clarke
AAIS Publications Officer: Dr. Christine van Toorn
Immediate Past EiC: Prof. Karlheinz Kautz
PHISNZ Representative: A/Prof. Janet Toland
ACS Representative: Dr. Rod Dilnutt
ACPHIS Representative: TBD