The IS-Aus Mailing Lists Migration

Dear Colleagues,

As foreshadowed last year, the Australasian Association for Information Systems (AAIS) is in the process of migrating the IS Community Lists to its own servers. This effects both the IS-AUS list, the open community list, and the IS-HODS list that is an invitation only, moderated list for the Heads of Discipline and Professoriate.

Please make sure that any new messages you wish broadcast on either or both of these lists now use the correct email addresses. Please update your contact lists accordingly:

New Address for the entire Australasian IS Community List:
New Address for the closed IS Heads of Discipline and Professoriate List:

If you have any specific questions or need help about this migration, please Contact us at


Prof. Rodney J. Clarke
President, AAIS

Read more about Our Mailing Lists.