Value Proposition

University departments interested in financially supporting AAIS Activities and Services by considering Departmental Membership can download the Value Proposition for AAIS Departmental Memberships document, which enables Heads of Discipline or Chairs to provide a financial justification for joining AAIS.

That document provides a concise statement about AAIS and its significance, levels of service and recognition, information about our community’s conference, the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), and our community’s journal, Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS). The document also describes the significant role of the AAIS within the Australasian IS Community, Policy, Knowledge and Research, Infrastructure Support, Virtual Communities: Analysis, Design and Implementation and Outreach.

To find out more about the AAIS and to get involved in the development of the Australasian IS Community, contact and request a meeting with your department and/or a seminar from us if you are interested.