Our Virtual Communities

What is shaping up to be a third strategic resource for the Australasian IS Community, after ACIS  and AJIS, is the development of the AAIS Virtual Communities. This infrastructure allows AAIS to integrate the activities of our researchers throughout the AAIS Jurisdiction and project these globally. The Virtual Communities will provide this region’s significant research groups, individuals, and activities with a platform by which they can collaborate.

The AAIS Virtual Communities are being developed in order to:

  • enable regional and global recognition and exposure to significant research in a variety of subdisciplines,
  • facilitate of research connections and concentrations throughout the multi-national AAIS jurisdiction
  • promote engagement with other AIS members and AIS Chapters throughout the region

Virtual Communities of Interest

AAIS has an interest in VCs that can cover large substantive areas of interest in order to develop sustainable virtual communities in the long term. Interest is sought from IS academics in the following substantive areas of interest (although not limited to these)-

  • Emerging Technologies in IS
  • Digital Health
  • IS Strategy, Governance and Leadership
  • Digital Innovation and Transformation,
  • Business Process and Service Modelling
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning and Organisational Decision Making
  • Philosophy and Research Methods in IS

Establishing new Virtual Communities

Several criteria should be met when considering the development of an AAIS Virtual Community. The candidate individuals and group spearheading the application should be:

  • comprise at least 20 individuals
  • conducting engaged and impactful research
  • multi-university and hopefully multi-national
  • based and operating primarily from the countries within the AAIS Regional Jurisdiction,
  • be explicitly embedded within one or more ACIS Tracks.

If you are interested in forming or joining an AAIS Virtual Community, please contact either president@aaisnet.org or secretary@aaisnet.org for further information.