John Campbell Research Impact Award

About the award

The John Campbell Research Impact Award honours John Campbell’s commitment to working on topics of relevance to practice, and his contributions to the Information Systems discipline. The $1500 prize recognizes research that has had, or has the potential to have, a significant impact on industry, government or not-for-profit organisations, as well as impact on society. The prize is co-sponsored by the Australasian Association for Information Systems (AAIS) and the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS), for which John Campbell has provided service over his career in support of the Information Systems community.

Eligibility – Authors

Academics or practitioners in the Australasian area serviced by the AAIS are invited to nominate an article that presents a research study with a significant relevance and impact to practice, while exhibiting rigorous high-quality Information Systems related research. The author needs to be based in the AAIS region and in co-authored articles, one of the authors must be from the AAIS region.

Eligibility – Papers

Authors are invited to nominate articles they have published in the calendar year (January to December) prior to the award of the prize. The article can be in any outlet: book, book chapter, conference or journal. The lead author should only submit one article. Nominations can also be made on behalf of the author by another colleague, in which case the nominating party would be responsible for making the submission.

Formal recognition of the prize occurs at the annual Australasian Conference on Information Systems.

Important Dates

Nominations are accepted throughout the year.

Deadline for submission for announcement at the December conference: End of the first week of November each year.

Outcome announced: expected to be at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems dinner, which is usually held in early December (or via email if the winner is not in attendance at the conference).

Judging Panel

Each year the AAIS Executive will appoint a chair and three panel members to process the applications and make the recommendation to the AAIS Executive. The members will be academics, at least two of whom must be from the Australasian region. If appropriate, the award winner from the previous year will serve on the panel.


Nominations are to be sent via email to the AAIS President and AAIS Secretary (please see the AAIS Executive page for details of email addresses) for distribution to the Judging Panel. All submissions need to be submitted electronically. The files can be either Word (.doc/docx) documents or pdf files.

The following attachments are required:

  • an electronic version of the article (published in the year prior to the year of the award)
  • a statement from the publisher relating to the paper acceptance year, if the article has not yet been published (confirming paper was accepted in the prior year to the year of the award)
  • a signed and fully completed John Campbell Research Impact Award application form containing the following details:

Article Title:
Book, conference or journal or other media:
University/Workplace in the Australasian area serviced by the AAIS:
Nominee Last Name
Nominee First Name
Daytime telephone contact
Postal Address

Selection Criteria

The panel will assess the nominated articles on the following criteria:

  • Whether the paper has made or has the potential to make significant impact on industry, government or not-for-profits, with a preference for relevance to Australasia
  • The potential of the article to significantly impact society
  • The quality of the research contribution to the Information Systems field.

Award Background

John’s academic career began at Griffith University in 1988, through several years of appointments as a Teaching Fellow and Senior Teaching Fellow. Over the decade of 1995 to 2005, John held Lecturer and Senior Lecturer appointments at Griffith University. In this time, he completed his PhD in 2000, starting a prolific research career during which John found passion in exploring those aspects of Information Systems research that related to innovative and effective use of technology and systems, working closely with practitioners in his research. He moved to the University of Canberra to take up an Associate Professor role in 2005, followed by a Professorial appointment in 2010. In 2016, John made the decision to join colleagues at ANU as an Information Systems Professor.

John’s primary research focus explored how users interact through information systems in the social world and, in particular, the ways in which organisational processes and community interaction are enacted through such systems. Much of his research has been interdisciplinary in nature, with a strong emphasis on relevance to business and management. His research contributions, which have appeared in a wide range of Information Systems journals and conferences, span diverse contexts including IT alignment, sustainability, remote work practices, tangible user interfaces, interface design for indigenous Australians, location-based education, and communicative practices in online communities. These areas of research were visionary, and became increasingly important areas of research need, also resulting in significant impact on practice and society.

John also devoted his time to various leadership roles. While he was at Griffith University he held the roles of Deputy Head of School, and Head of School at various points in time. At the University of Canberra, John’s significant leadership included the roles of Director of Research, followed by Associate Dean (Research) and Director of National Institute for Systems Innovation. He was a member of the College of Experts with the Australian Research Council, on the Executive of the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems, and was involved in numerous conferences and doctoral consortia.

As well as being a fine academic, John was an accomplished bass guitar player, and a member of many bands. John played in two “academic” bands, both of which included Vice Chancellors among their members, the “Chancellors of Vice” at Griffith, and “the Hip Replacements” at University of Canberra.

John’s many friends in the Information Systems community can attest to his great kindness. He offered unwavering support of PhD students and early career researchers and went out of his way to provide mentoring and advice and to introduce junior colleagues to senior people in the field to help grow their network of contacts. His friends and colleagues describe John as a creative and talented musician, and a person with a large heart who was always reliable and happy to help, with a great sense of humour thrown in.

John Campbell passed away, aged 59, after a journey with cancer, on Monday, 14th January 2019. He is deeply missed.

Prior Winners

2024 – Rosetta Romano, Blooma John, Dale MacKrell, Sumaira Qureshi, Wayne Applebee, and Peter Copeman

Romano, R., John, B., MacKrell, D., Qureshi, S., Applebee, W., & Copeman, P. (2023). Indigenizing the IT Curriculum by Design. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53(1), 364–397.

2023 – James Kotsias, Atif Ahmad, Rens Scheepers

Kotsias, J., Ahmad, A., & Scheepers, R. (2022). Adopting and integrating cyber-threat intelligence in a commercial organisation. European Journal of Information Systems32(1), 35–51.

2022 – Olivera Marjanovic, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, and Richard Vidgen

Marjanovic, O., Cecez-Kecmanovic, D., & Vidgen, R. (2021). Algorithmic pollution: Making the invisible visible. Journal of Information Technology36(4), 391-408. https://doi/10.1177/02683962211010356

2021 – Andrew Burton-Jones, Saeed Akhlaghpour, Stephen Ayre, Payal Barde, Andrew Staib, and Clair Sullivan

Burton-Jones, A., Akhlaghpour, S., Ayre, S., Barde, P., Staib, A., & Sullivan, C. (2020). Changing the conversation on evaluating digital transformation in healthcare: Insights from an institutional analysis. Information and Organization, 30(1), 100255.