A systematic analysis of failures in protecting personal health data: A scoping review
Personal health data breaches pose significant challenges to healthcare providers and clients. This study systematically analyzes 5470 records and reviews 120 articles on this theoretically and practically important topic. It summarizes the existing literature and develops an integrative model with eleven propositions explaining the multifaceted nature of health data breaches, their facilitators, and their impacts. We report on the gaps in the current literature and discuss six promising avenues of future research, including specific suggestions for multi-level analysis, use of novel methods, contributions to information systems theory, stakeholder analysis, under-explored themes, and boundary-breaching opportunities. Beyond these findings, our study offers implications for key stakeholders in healthcare settings. This study equips practitioners and researchers with a valuable model for evidence-based data breach risk management and offers guidance for future investigations, enhancing our collective understanding of personal health data breaches within healthcare.
Link to the open-access article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2023.102719
Speaker Bio
Javad Pool is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland. He completed his PhD in Business Information Systems at UQ Business School in 2022, with a focus on data privacy and the effective use of information systems, specifically in the digital health context. By employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, Javad has conducted studies in a wide range of organizational and technological contexts, including healthcare, artificial intelligence, digital health, and social media. His work includes the development of inductive and theory-driven models, contributing to the existing body of knowledge on the effective use of information systems and health informatics research.
Javad’s research has been published in information systems and medical informatics outlets, including the International Journal of Information Management, the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, and the International Journal of Medical Informatics.
He received The ACPHIS PhD Medal for the best Australian PhD thesis in the discipline of Information Systems. Additionally, the thesis was recognized with “The Rama Krishna Sastry Pappu Memorial Prize in Business 2022,” an award presented by the University of Queensland Business School.
Agenda for the meeting 12th April 2024:
The presentation was given by Javad Pool, Saeed Akhlaghpour, and colleagues. A systematic analysis of failures in protecting personal health data: A scoping review. The abstract and speaker’s bio of the speakers can be found below the agenda.
– May 2024: Maryam Shahbazi, Thank you Maryam.
– June 2024: meeting planning: A mini version of Pecha Kucha – each presenter shares their research story or update in ~3-5min? so we can learn more about each other, and feel more interactive, connected. Let’s plan it so everyone has an opportunity to share a little
– Networking: CFPs, publication and grant opportunities. ACIS 2024.
- ICIS 2024 in Thailand: paper deadline 1st May 2024: https://icis2024.aisconferences.org/submissions/track-descriptions/
- Special Issue: Topical Collection on Emerging Trends in Future Intelligent and Reliable Service Systems, Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Q1: https://link.springer.com/journal/40860/updates/26517476 – “open for intelligence systems in healthcare” – Thanks Sam Madanian.
- HICSS Decision Analytics and Service Science DIGITIZATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL – PERSONAL DECISION ANALYTICS MINITRACK “This is a good track to discuss empowering individuals through digital health” – Thanks Claris Chung.
Looking forward to seeing you this Friday,