Sponsor Recognition

Sponsor Recognition

For an updated list of our current departmental sponsors and details on how your department can support the Australasian Information Systems community, please refer to the Departmental Membership page.

On our homepage, we also spotlight PhD Scholarships, Programs of Study, scholars, and other relevant news and media about our Departmental Sponsors and their universities.

AAIS does not charge individual membership fees in addition to AIS’s, nor does it receive any funds from the AIS.

AAIS relies on the ongoing and generous financial support of departmental members and sponsors. The contributions of these departmental sponsors make possible the various awards, prizes and scholarships that the AAIS offers, the support of the ACIS conference and AJIS journal and enable AAIS support of the Australasian community through a broad range of activities. 

Thank you to our current AAIS departmental sponsors!

AAIS very much appreciates your ongoing support, without which the support of AJIS and ACIS, as well as the student and academic prizes, would not be possible. To pay this year’s departmental sponsorship, please access the payment system via the Join AAIS page. Please note the above list of current sponsors is updated quarterly based on received payments.