AAIS Executive Vote of Thanks to the Outgoing AJIS Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Karlheinz Kautz

Published by Rodney Clarke on

As has been foreshadowed in a previous email sent through our IS community mailing lists, Professor Karlheinz Kautz (karlheinz.kautz@rmit.edu.au), Editor-in-Chief of the Australasian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), is stepping down from the Editor-in-Chief role effective from the end of May 2024.

He has served in this position for the last three years with considerable skill and productivity. During his 40 month tenure, Prof. Kautz has directly processed over 1000 submissions, an incredible rate given the previous 24 volumes of the journal consists of a total of 1600 manuscripts! Prof. Kautz has been a supporter of transforming high quality papers published in the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Proceedings and developing them into successful AJIS journal articles. A significant achievement in 2023 has been a featured section on Indigenous Use of Information and Communications Technologies. Prof. Kautz’s leadership has meant that there has been increased traffic to the journal’s website and substantial increase in direct article downloads. His final Editorial will provide a more comprehensive overview of his activities at AJIS. Suffice to say, his care and productivity has led to AJIS’s journal ranking steadily and noticeably improving during his tenure.

Professor Kautz has been very active in helping to develop an orderly transition period to assist in acclimating and training the incoming Co-EiCs for the journal as well as the new Production Editor (PE) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) roles. This transition period has proved to be very successful and is now incorporated into the new AJIS Charter v4.0. Working with the AAIS Executive, Prof. Kautz has helped shape the new governance and administrative arrangements for AJIS that will strengthen and help ensure the journal’s longevity. The AAIS is pleased to announce that Prof. Kautz will join the newly formed Editorial Advisory Board as its Immediate Past EiC position. Karl has proved himself to be a distinguished member of the Australasian IS Community. We are very proud of his achievements and grateful for his service to our Community.

Consider submitting a manuscript to AJIS. Find out more about our region’s Diamond Open Access Information Systems Journal, either by assessing its site from the AAIS website https://aaisnet.org/ajis/) or directly at https://journal.acs.org.au/index.php/ajis/index. Please note that the direct URL to AJIS will change this year. The AAIS will announce changes to the AJIS URL through the IS-Aus email lists.

Categories: AJISNews