ACIS 2024: Call for Papers

Australasian Confrence on Information Systems (ACIS) Digital Futures for a Sustainable Society, 4-6 Dec 2024, Canberra

Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) Digital Futures for a Sustainable Society, 4-6 Dec 2024, Canberra

We cordially invite you to submit your best work to the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), to be held from December 4-6, 2024, in Canberra, Australia.  We invite the submission of completed research papers, short research papers, research slam papers, panels and workshops. ACIS 2024 will bring together students, academics and industry professionals to exchange knowledge related to the changing face of information systems in theory and practice.

ACIS 2024 provide opportunities for adding value to your work in a range of dimensions: to support you to grow as a researcher and build your networks, to offer developmental reviews and feedback for your work, and provide opportunities to progress your research. In addition, there will be tutorials on leading edge topics, and panels on topical and contested issues.

 List of tracks

  1. General Track
  2. Emerging Technologies in IS
  3. Strategy, Governance, and Leadership
  4. Digital Innovation, Transformation, Business Models and Future of Work
  5. Information Security Management, Privacy, Ethics and the Dark Side of Information Systems
  6. Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Decision Making
  7. Digital Health Care
  8. Information Systems Education in a Disruptive World
  9. Crowds, social media, Digital Collaboration, and Fake News
  10. Digital Innovation for the Common Good
  11. Digital Government and Sustainable Technology
  12. Digital Ecosystems and Technologies Evolving in the Fast-Changing Ecological World
  13. Digital Inequality and its Implication to Society
  14. IS Research in Marginalized and Indigenous Contexts
  15. Decolonizing Information Systems Research
  16. The Role of Open Source in the Digital Future

For full track descriptions, please visit the website.

Submission types

Full papers must be completed research. Completed research papers will be submitted to one of the conference tracks, where they will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind system. Accepted papers will be presented face-to face at the conference in a session format. Each session will consist of three or four papers accepted through the review process. Most sessions employ a standard format of presentation by one of the authors and general audience discussion. Full papers must not exceed 10 pages (approx. 5,000 words not including references) and must conform to the ACIS 2024 submission template (available on the website). Full papers that are accepted will be published in their entirety in the conference proceedings.

Short papers are research in progress. Like completed research, short papers will be submitted to a mini track for double blind review. Upon acceptance, short papers will be presented by authors while interested participants gather to share ideas and discuss topics of mutual interest. Short papers must not exceed 5 pages (approx. 2,500 words, not including references) and must conform to the ACIS 2024 submission template.

Poster Slam submissions are early research that is in a conceptual stage, i.e. a research idea that is thorough but with no empirical or literature review data yet. This can be either a PhD proposal or a research idea to be tested from early career or established researchers. The session will consist of a 3-minute pitch per poster upfront and then the whole group will discuss the posters in detail within the session. Discussion and feedback are central to this format and will be constructive and intense. The submission requires an abstract of a maximum of 1,000 words and must conform to the ACIS 2024 submission template.

Workshops are typically partial- or full-day sessions that facilitate discussion and exploration of ideas, techniques, and methodologies that advance research, teaching knowledge of IS-related concepts, or products from industry and their application to academia, educational curricula, or industry practice. The call for proposals and template to be used will be available shortly.

Panels provide an opportunity for a group of researchers to explore a topical or contested topic of interest in a panel format. This will typically involve a panel moderator (who poses questions related to the topic) and three to four expert contributors who will offer alternative views on the topic. Panels should aim to draw an audience. Depending upon the topic, the experts can be drawn from the academy and/or from industry. The panel co-chairs encourage panel submitters to contact them and will work with them to develop provocative ideas into strong panel proposals. The call for proposals and template to be used will be available shortly.

Virtual paper presentations

ACIS 2024 IS A FACE-TO-FACE CONFERENCE. However, we recognize that there is still a great deal of uncertainty around travel and funding in many administrations. We will accept synchronous virtual presentations under special circumstances (tba). These may be organized into a “virtual track” rather than being interspersed with face-to-face sessions. Authors of accepted virtual presentation papers will be provided a platform for their work.

Submission information

All submissions must be made via the ACIS 2024 EasyChair submission system.

Important dates

4th April 2024 Call for Papers
9th August 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Paper Submission Deadline
23rd August 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Workshops / Tutorials / Panels Submission Deadline
4th October 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Notification of Acceptance for Papers
4th October 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Doctoral Consortium Nomination Deadline
11th October 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Notification of acceptance for Workshops / Panels
18th October 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Submission of Final (Camera Ready) Version + Reviewer Responses
25th October 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Notification of Acceptance for Doctoral Consortium
25th October 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Final paper acceptance notification
4th November 2024, 11:59 PM AEST Early-Bird Registration Deadline
Registration deadline for authors (at least one author per paper needs to register and pay by that date)
4th – 6th December 2024 Main Conference at Canberra, Australia

*Australian Eastern Standard Time – UTC+10

Scholarly integrity is a core value in our discipline, and all ACIS submissions must comply with AIS policies. Scholars submitting papers to this conference thereby attest that they have read the AIS Code of Research Conduct, and that the work submitted is in accordance with the Code in all appropriate respects.

We look forward to receiving your submissions! If you have any questions, contact track chairs directly, or email


ACIS 2024 Program Co-chairs
Ghassan Beydoun (
Juliana Sutanto (
Nilmini Wickramasinghe (
Hamed Sarbazhosseini (