Individual Member
Membership in AAIS is open to all. However, to join AAIS, you must first be a member of the Association for Information Systems. AIS offers 4 individual membership classes: Academic, Student, Retired, and Professional. AIS membership rates are based on the development classification of the country where the member works and lives. (United Nation’s Human Development Index or HDI). Click here to locate your current AIS membership rate. Visit the AIS Membership page for more information or simply join AIS today! Benefits of joining AIS include access to the AIS eLibrary among others. When you sign up to AIS make sure you choose the Australasian Chapter (AAIS) as your Chapter.
Academics who are not AIS members, but are employed by a current AAIS departmental sponsor are also considered by the AAIS to be AAIS members (although not members of the AIS). You are also invited to join the AAIS mailing list.
Departmental Sponsor
The AAIS does not receive any funding from the AIS for individual memberships and instead relies on the generous departmental support of universities in the Australasian region. Their $400 annual departmental sponsorship funds prizes, ACIS conference support and governance and AJIS journal support. For a list of our current departmental sponsors, and details on how your department can support the Australasian Information Systems community, please refer to our Sponsorship page.
To sponsor AAIS as an department, or to renew your departmental sponsorship, please refer to our AAIS Departmental Sponsorship page.